Yes/No Question

Yaay!!! Hallo Homies! It’s great to meet you again. Gimana proses Belajar Bahasa Inggrisnya? Masih semangat dong ya.

Kali ini kita mau bahas apalagi ya? So, di artikel kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Short Answer-Question atau yang kita kenal juga dengan Yes/No Question ni Homies.
Buat yang belum tahu apa itu Yes/No Question yuk langsung disimak aja penjelasan yang telah dirangkum oleh Tim Homie English berikut guys, dan buat yang sudah tahu juga boleh dibaca lagi kok supaya makin paham wkwk.



Jadi, Yes/No Question adalah pertanyaan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk mendapatkan jawaban singkat seperti ‘ya’ atau ‘tidak’. Maksudnya, ketika Homies menggunakan jenis pertanyaan ini, jawaban yang Homies dapatkan hanya berupa ‘ya’ atau ‘tidak’ dari lawan bicara kamu.


Do you like cooking? — Yes, I do / No, I do not
(Yes, I do / No, I do not)

Do you go to work today? — Yes, I do / No, I do not
(Apakah kamu pergi bekerja hari ini?)

Nah, itu sedikit contoh dari Yes/No Question ini Homies. Kalau kita artikan ke Bahasa Indonesia, Yes/No Question ini dimulai dengan kata ‘Apakah’. So, basically in English, kita punya perbedaan makna antara kalimat tanya yang dimulai dengan ‘Apa’ dan ‘Apakah’ Homies. Tapi, kali ini kita fokus ke kalimat tanya ‘Apakah’ dulu ya . . .


Balik lagi ke Yes/No Question nya Homies, jadi untuk kalimat tanya ‘Apakah’ ini biasanya dimulai dengan auxiliary verb (kata bantu kata kerja) seperti do / does / be. Sebenarnya kita punya banyak auxiliary verb di dalam Bahasa Inggris, hanya saja kita masih fokus ke Present Simple dulu ya Homies.

Pertanyaan selanjutnya, bagaimana sih cara kita membuat kalimat tanya ‘Apakah’ ini dengan benar? Yuk, take a look aja tabel di bawah ini Homies.

Do +Subject +Main Verb
D otheyLikemilk
To be +Subject +Non verb


Apakah kamu selalu berolahraga?
(Do you always exercise) Yes, I do / No, I don’t

Apakah mereka menginap di sini?
(Do they stay here?) Yes, they do / No, they don’t

Apakah kita membeli banyak tomat hari ini?
(Do we buy a lot of tomatoes today?) Yes, we do / No, we don’t

Apakah Ana pergi berenang setiap minggu?
(Does Ana go swimming every week?) – Yes, she does / No, she


Apakah John sedih karena masalah itu?
(Is Jhon sad because of that problem?) Yes, he is / No, he isn’t

Apakah Mr Sam adalah guru Bahasa Inggris kita?
(Is Mr Sam our English teacher?) – Yes, he is / No, he isn’t

Apakah kamu seorang insinyur?
(Are you an engineer?) Yes, I am / No, I am not

Apakah mereka di rumah hari ini?
(Are they at home today?) Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

So, it’s practice time Homies. Buatlah short-answer question berdasarkan kalimat dibawah ini, dan tuliskan di kolom kementar ya Homies!

  1. I like coffee
  2. I don’t speak Chinesee
  3. Jhon and Mary like English song.
  4. I live in an apartment.
  5. She is a doctor.
  6. The cat is very cute.
  7. They don’t go to the mountain.
  8. Beth drives car to work.
  9. My father drinks coffee a lot.
  10. My little sister doesn’t like chocolate.

Jadi, mulai sekarang coba gunakan yes/no question ini untuk menanyakan suatu informasi yang kamu butuhkan ya Homies agar English skill kamu terus meningkat terntunya Homies. Nah, sampai disini dulu sharing session kita kali ini Homies, see you on topic-topik lainnya ya.

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Yes no Question (84 downloads)

26 thoughts on “Yes/No Question”

  1. 1.yes,i do
    2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
    5.yes,she does
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they do
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t

    • 1.yes
      2 i dont
      3 they are doesn’t like
      4 i don’t
      5 she does
      6 yes
      7 they do
      8 she does
      9 yes
      10 she doesn’t

    • 1. yes,i do
      2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
      5.yes,she does
      6.yes,it does
      7.yes,they do
      8.yes,she does
      9.yes,he does,she doesn’t

  2. 1.yes, i do
    2.yes, i Don’t, they are doesn’t
    4. No,i Don’t
    5.yes, she does.
    6.yes ,is does
    7.yes,they do
    8 .yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t

  3. 1. Yes, i do
    2. Yes, i do not
    3. Yes, they are
    4. No, i don’t
    5. Yes, she is
    6. Yes, it does
    7. Yes, they don’t
    8. Yes, she does
    9. Yes, he does
    10. No, she doesn’t

  4. 1. Yes, I do
    2. No, I don’t
    3. Yes, they do
    4. Yes, I do
    5. Yes, She does
    6. Yes, It does
    7. No, they don’t
    8. Yes, She does
    9. Yes, he does
    10. No, She doesn’t

  5. 1.yes,i do
    2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
    5.yes,she does
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they do
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t

  6. 1.yes,i do
    2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
    5.yes,she does
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they do
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t

  7. Amelia christin
    April 29, 2021 at 5:34 am
    1.yes,i do
    2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
    5.yes,she does
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they do
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t

  8. 1.yes,i do
    2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
    5.yes,she does
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they do
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t

  9. 1. No, I don’t like
    2. Yes, I don’t
    3. No, I don’t lik
    4. Yes, I living
    5. Yes, she don’t
    6. Yes, it does
    7. Yes, she does
    8. Yes, she does
    9. Yes, he don’t
    10. Yes, I like

  10. 1. Yes, I do
    2. Yes, I do not
    3. Yes, they are
    4. No, I don’t
    5. Yes, she is
    6. Yes, it does
    7. Yes, they don’t
    8. Yes, she does
    9. Yes, he does
    10. No, she doesn’t

  11. 1. Yes, i do
    2. Yes, i dont
    3. No, they are doesn’t like
    4. No, i don’t
    5. Yes, she does
    6. Yes, it does
    7. Yes, they do
    8. Yes, she does
    9. Yes, he does
    10. No, she doesn’t

  12. 1. I like coffee
    Do elike coffee?
    2. I don’t speak Chinesee
    Do you speak chinesee?
    3. Jhon and Mary like English song.
    Do they like English song?
    4. I live in an apartment.
    Do you live in an apartemen
    5. She is a doctor.
    Is she a doctor
    6. The cat is very cute.
    Is the cat very cute ?
    7. They don’t go to the mountain.
    Do they don’t go to the mountain ?
    8. Beth drives car to work.
    Is Beth drives car to work?
    9. My father drinks coffee a lot.
    Is my father drinks coffee a lot?
    10. My little sister doesn’t like chocolate
    Is my little sister dosen’t like Chocolate ?

  13. 1. Yes, i do
    2. Yes, i don’t
    3. no,They are doesn’t like
    4. no,i don’t
    5. yes,she does
    6. yes,it does
    7. yes,they do
    8. yes,she does
    9. yes,he does
    10. .no,she doesn’t

  14. 1. yes, i like it
    2. Yes, i don’t
    3. no,They are doesn’t like
    4. no,i don’t
    5. yes,she does
    6. yes,it does
    7. yes,they do
    8. yes,she does
    9. yes,he does
    10. no,she doesn’t

  15. 1.yes,i do
    2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
    5.yes,she does
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they do
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t


  16. 1.yes,i do
    2.yes,i dont,They are doesn’t like,i don’t
    5.yes,she does
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they do
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does,she doesn’t


  17. 1. I like coffee
    → Do you like coffee? Yes,I do
    2. I don’t speak Chinesee
    → Do you speak Chinese? No, I don’t
    3. Jhon and Mary like English song.
    → Do John and Mary like English song? Yes,John and Mary do
    4. I live in an apartment.
    → Do you live in an apartment? Ye, I do
    5. She is a doctor.
    → Is she a doctor? Yes, She is
    6. The cat is very cute.
    → Is the cat very cute? Yes, The cat is
    7. They don’t go to the mountain.
    → Do they go to the mountain? Yes, They do
    8. Beth drives car to work.
    → Does beth drives car to work? Yes, Beth does
    9. My father drinks coffee a lot.
    → Does my father drinks coffee a lot? Yes, My father does
    10. My little sister doesn’t like chocolate.
    → Does my little sister like chocolate? No, My little sister doesn’t

  18. 1. Yes,i do
    2. Yes,i dont
    3. No,they are doesn’t like
    4. No,i don’t
    5. Yes,she does
    6. Yes,it does
    7. Yes,they do
    8. Yes,she does
    9. Yes, he does
    10. No, she doesn’t

  19. 1. Yes,i do
    2. yes,i do not
    3. Yes,they are
    4.No, i don’t
    5. Yes, she is
    6.yes,it does
    7.yes,they don’t
    8.yes,she does
    9.yes,he does
    10. No, she doesn’t

  20. 1.Do you like coffee?
    2.Do you speak Chinesee?
    3.Do they like English song?
    4.Do you live in an apartment?
    5.Is She a doctor?
    6.Does cat is very cute?
    7. Do they go to the mountain?
    8. Does Beth drive car to work?
    9. Does he drink coffee a lot?
    10. Does she like chocolate?


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