Kamu mungkin sudah tahu kalau pilihan antara is vs are bergantung pada sebuah noun (kata benda). Biasanya, noun muncul sebelum verb (kata kerja). Namun dalam kalimat yang dimulai dengan there is dan there are, noun nya muncul belakangan. Kita menggunakan there is dan there are untuk merujuk pada keberadaan seseorang atau sesuatu. Sederhananya berarti “ada.” Gunakan there is jika kata bendanya tunggal (“There is a cat”) dan gunakan there are jika kata benda jamak (“There are two cats”).
There is + singular noun + keterangan
(+) There is a book on the table (ada sebuah buku di atas meja)
(-) There is not a book on the table (tidak ada sebuah buku di atas meja)
(?) Is there a book on the table? (apakah ada sebuah buku di atas meja?)
Yes, there is
No, there is not
The other examples:
There is a cat on the porch.
There’s a letter on your desk. Julia brought it from the mail room.
There is and there’s keduanya merupakan bentuk tunggal. Kita menggunakan there’s lebih umum di informal speaking:
There is a new cafe in the centre of town which sells Indonesian food.
She’s very determined and there’s no chance she will change her mind.
There are + plural noun + keterangan
(+) There are a lot of people in this elevator (ada banyak orang di elevator)
(-) There are not a lot of people in this elevator (tidak banyak orang di elevator)
(?) Are there a lot of people in this elevator? (apakah ada banyak orang di elevator?)
Yes, there are
No, there are not
The other examples:
There are three Japanese students in my class.
There are two new buildings next to the school. They are both science buildings.
Untuk menanyakan “berapa banyak”, kita pakai pertanyaan dengan “how many”.
How many + noun + are there + keterangan
How many teachers are there at Homie English Pekanbaru? (ada berapa banyak guru di Homie English Pekanbaru?
Perlu diingat, dalam menggunakan kata benda jamak ada yang disebut irregular noun yang artinya kata bendanya jamak tapi tidak ditambahkan -s seperti pada umumnya, book-books, teacher-teachers, dll. Oleh karena itu sangat diwajibkan untuk menghafal beberapa kata benda yang masuk kategori irregular ini. Perhatikan tabel di bawah ini:
Irregular Nouns
knife | knives | pisau | |
Singular (-f, -fe) | life | lives | kehidupan |
Plural (-ves) | wife | wives | istri |
calf | calves | anak sapi | |
leaf | leaves | daun | |
Exceptions | roof | roofs | atap |
(pengecualian) | proof | proofs | bukti |
potato | potatoes | pisau | |
Singular (-o) | tomato | tomatoes | kehidupan |
Plural (-oes) | hero | heroes | istri |
torpedo | torpedoes | anak sapi | |
veto | vetoes | daun | |
Exceptions | piano | pianos | piano |
(pengecualian) | canto | cantos | nyanyian |
photo | photos | foto | |
zero | zeros | nol |
foot | feet | kaki | |
Singular & Plural | tooth | teeth | gigi |
(vowel change) | goose | geese | angsa |
man | men | pria | |
woman | women | wanita |
mouse | mice | tikus | |
Irregular nouns | die | dice | mati |
that | ox | oxen | lembu |
change | child | children | anak-anak |
substantially | person | people | orang-orang |
penny | pence (in British) | uang sen |
sheep | sheep | domba | |
fish | fish | ikan | |
Singular/ Plural | moose | moose | rusa (amerika utara) |
(no change) | swine | swine | babi |
buffalo | buffalo | kerbau | |
shrimp | shrimp | udang | |
trout | trout | ikan forel |
focus | foci (also focuses) | fokus | |
radius | radii (also radiuses) | radius | |
fungus | fungi | jamur | |
Nouns ending in-us, | nucleus | nuclei | inti |
change -us to -i | cactus | cacti | kaktus |
alumnus | alumni* | lulusan | |
octopus | octopuses (or octopi) | gurita | |
hippopotamus | hippopotami (or hippopotamuses) | kuda nil |
Irregular formation | axis | axes (this is also the plural of ax and axe) | sumbu |
of nouns ending in | analysis | analyses | analisis |
-is to -es | crisis | crises | krisis |
thesis | theses | tesis |
Irregular formation | phenomenon | phenomena | fenomena |
of nouns ending in -on to -a. | criterion | criteria | kriteria |
datum | data | data | |
Irregular formation | memorandum | memoranda | nota |
of nouns ending | bacterium | bacteria | bakteri |
in -um | stratum | strata | lapisan |
curriculum | curricula (also curriculums) | kurikulum |
Singular (-ex, -ix) | index | indices (or indexes) | indeks |
Plural (-ces, -xes) | appendix | appendices (or appendixes, in a medical context) | lampiran |
vortex | vortices (or vortexes) | pusaran |
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