Talking about Daily Activity


Students are able to speak and response statements and questions related to daily activity

Keterangan yang biasa di gunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan sehari:

  • Always (Selalu)
  • Almost always (Hampir selalu)
  • Usually (Biasanya)
  • Often (Sering)
  • Sometimes (Kadang-kadang)
  • Seldom (Jarang )
  • Rarely (Jarang )
  • Hardly ever (Hampir tidak pernah)
  • Never (Tidak pernah)

 Verb related to daily activity (kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan kata kerja)

  1. Do the Laundry (Mencuci Pakaian)
  2. Do the dishes (Mencuci piring)
  3. Go to bed (Pergi tidur)
  4. Get dressed (Berpakaian)
  5. Have Breakfast (Sarapan)
  6. Brush the teeth (menggosok gigi)
  7. Go home (pulang kerumah)
  8. Take a bath (mandi)
  9. Go for a walk (Jalan-jalan)
  10. Sweep the floor (menyapu lantai)

Talk about daily activity (Bicara tentang aktivitas sehari-hari):

In sentence (di dalam kalimat)

Untuk singular subject:

  1. Fitra usually goes to school at 7 a.m
  2. He doesn’t eat fish
  3. She always gets home at 8 p.m
  4. Fina doesn’t clean the room twice a week
  5. He brushes his teeth every morning
  6. Gea doesn’t take a bath before going to bed

Untuk plural subject:

  1. They play football once a week.
  2. Ani and I don’t go for a walk every afternoon
  3. We sometimes speak English at home
  4. They don’t play football once a week
  5. I usually go for a walk at 5 in the afternoon
  6. My parents don’t sweep the floor everyday

In paragraph (di dalam paragraph)

I always wake up at 5 O’clock. I brush my teeth and take a bath. After that I get dressed and prepare my breakfast. I usually have scrambled egg and bread for breakfast. I go to work at 7.30 a.m and I usually ride my motorcycle to work because it’s faster than take a bus or taxi. I work as a software developer, so I work with computer a lot. I never eat lunch alone on week day because I always eat lunch with my co-worker. I work until 5 p.m. I often go for a walk after work. After that I eat my dinner. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m.


Complete the sentence with the correct answer:

  1. He …………………….. (not/like) the medicine.
  2. My brother ………………… (drive) to work.
  3. My friends ……………………. (not/like) eating seafood.
  4. They always…………………………… (close) the store at 10 p.m.
  5. Gilang ………………………….. (teach) English every Monday and Wednesday

Tell your daily activity from morning until go to bed.

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