Welcome back to our lesson homies! Kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai pronoun (kata ganti). Kata ganti dalam bahasa inggris terdiri dari; personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, dan reflexive pronoun. Yuk kita lihat penjelasannya:


Personal pronoun

                        Personal pronoun adalah digunakan untuk menggantikan sebutan orang atau benda.  Personal pronoun terdiri dari kata ganti subject dan kata ganti object:

1. Subject

Subject biasanya terletak di awal kalimat atau setelah kata hubung.


We go to the market every Saturday

I was studying when he came home


2. Object

Object biasanya terletak setelah kata kerja dan berfungsi menerangkan subject.


– He called me last night

– The teacher talked to us yesterday


Possessive pronoun

                       Possessive pronoun adalah kata ganti yang menjelaskan kepunyaan/kepemilikan. Possesive pronoun terdiri dari possesive adjective dan possesive pronoun.

1. Possesive adjective : kata ganti milik yang harus diikuti oleh kata benda

Possesive adjective + noun


– The girl who sits next to you is my sister

– The teacher is talking to our parents now.


2. Possesive pronoun: kata ganti milik yang tidak didikuti kata benda.


– This pen is mine.

– The book on the table is yours.


Reflexive pronoun

            kata ganti yang menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh diri subject sendiri.


– I did my homework myself.

– she cooks for herself everyday.

– he himself came to the party.



#1. They were talking among…

#2. Sofia gave me …….. number, but …….. can’t remember it.

#3. His teacher told …….. to did ……… homework himself, but he didn’t listen.

#4. There are two pens on the table. ……. is the black one and ……….. pen is the red one.

#5. This is my car. Where is …….. ?

#6. My brother is good at cooking because he cooks for …………. every day

#7. Diana drove ……… car herself.

#8. I think you can solve your problem ……….. I can’t help you

#9. Their coats are too small. ……. are too small.

#10. My telephone is out of order, but …… is working


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