Hi homies! Siapa nich di antara kalian yang masih bingung soal penggunaan dan rumus dari past perfect tense? Nah, kalau ada yang masih bingung, kali ini kita akan bahas mengenai present perfect just for all of you. Mari kita mulai dengan penjelasan apa itu past perfect tense. Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi. Sebagai contoh; Linda had finished doing the dishes when we got home (Linda sudah selesai mencuci piring ketika kami sampai di rumah).

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Rumus yang digunakan untuk past perfect tense terbagi dua, yaitu verbal sentence (kalimat dengan kata kerja) dan nominal sentence (kalimat tanpa kata kerja).

Verbal Sentence

(+) S + had + Verb 3

(+) He had finished doing his homework

(- ) S + had + not+ Verb 3

(-) He had not finished doing his homework

(?) Had + S + Verb 3

(?) Had he finished doing his homework?

Nominal Sentence

(+) S + had + been + Non verb

(+) Ali had been a teacher for years

(-) S + had + not + been + Non verb

(-) Ali had not been a teacher for years

(?) Had+ S + been + Non verb

(?) Had Ali been a teacher for years


Penggunaan Past Perfect Tense


Contoh kalimat

1. Untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.

– Inaya had slept when I called her.

(inaya telah tidur ketika aku menelponnya)

2. Sesuatu yang dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut hingga tindakan atau waktu lain di masa lalu.

– He had been a news reporter for 2 years before he decided to be an English teacher. (Dia telah menjadi reporter berita selama 2 tahun sebelum dia memutuskan untuk menjadi guru bahasa Inggris.)

3. Untuk berbicara tentang hal-hal yang tidak nyata atau imajiner di masa lalu (conditional sentece).

– If I had worked hard, I would have been rich. (Jika saya bekerja keras, saya akan kaya)




#1. I was late. The party … by the time I got there.

#2. She … an actress before she became a singer.

#3. By the time class was over this morning , the rain … so I didn’t need my umbrella anymore.

#4. Last night I went to bed at ten o’clock. I … my homework.

#5. We had a lot of trouble because we … our passports.

#6. Amy … a lot before she took the test.

#7. If I … enough money, I would have gone with you.

#8. We got into the restaurant only because we … our places.

#9. If George … polite, he would have answered the teacher back.

#10. The patient … medicine before the doctor came.


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Past Perfect Tense (52 downloads)


Using the Past Perfect Tense ( understanding and using – english grammar – second edition – betty schrampfer azar

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