Hi homies! Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang object of preposition. Tapi sebelum kita bahas lebih lanjut mengenai object of preposition, mari kita bahas sekilas mengenai preposisi. Preposisi adalah kata depan yang biasa terletak di depan noun (kata benda) dan pronoun (Kata ganti). Berikut ini beberapa contoh preposisi;

– On

– with 

– by                             

– since

– In                 

– from             

– after             

– like

– At                 

– for                            

– before                       

– next to

– Of                

– without        

– above           

– during

– Off   

– about            

– beside                       

– under


Apa itu object of Preposition?

            Object of preposition merupakan object yang mengikuti preposisi. Biasanya object yang mengikuti preposisi bisa berupa noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), gerund dan juga noun clause.

Contoh object of preposition


I will go with Tasya.

(aku akan pergi dengan Tasya)

She is sitting next to the manager.

(Dia duduk di sebelah manajer.)

They gave the gift to Silva

(Mereka memberikan hadiah itu kepada Silva)

I have talked to the Brand ambassador of our new product.

(Saya sudah berbicara dengan duta merek produk baru kami.)

Our debt was collected by debt collector last night.

(Utang kami ditagih oleh penagih utang tadi malam.)

Noun Clause

He kept calling during the trip.

(Dia terus menelepon selama perjalanan)

We cannot go to school because of the weather.

(Kami tidak bisa pergi ke sekolah karena cuaca.)

I am not responsible for what she has done.

(Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas apa yang telah dia lakukan.)

They argued about how should pay the bill.

(Mereka berdebat tentang bagaimana seharusnya membayar tagihan)


Can you call the police for me?

(Bisakah kamu memanggil polisi untukku?)

He sat beside us yesterday.

(Dia duduk disamping kami kemaren)

I got a lot of advice from him.

(Aku mendapat banyak nasihat darinya.)

I will sit next to her this semester.

(Aku akan duduk di sebelahnya semester ini.)

She told me all about his behaviour.

(Dia memberi tahu ku semua tentang perilakunya.)


We are talking about spending more time in this place.

(Kami berbicara tentang menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di tempat ini.)

He is good at singing.

(Dia pandai bernyanyi)

She was interested in painting.

(Dia tertarik melukis.)

I am tired of talking to him.

(Aku lelah berbicara dengannya)

Thank you for telling me the truth.

(Terima kasih telah mengatakan yang sebenarnya.)


Quiz (Identify object of preposition from the sentence below!)


#1. No one knows the sea like us.

#2. They bake a cake for my birthday.

#3. I don’t object to working late.

#4. Josie’s husband is sick of driving to work in the terrible traffic.

#5. My dog likes a blanket over him


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