Learners are able to greet in English
Learners are able to communicate in English in terms of introducing themselves.
Saying Greetings in English (Mengucapkan Salam)
When we meet, ketika kita bertemu:
Good morning > Selamat Pagi , digunakan pukul 00 dinihari hingga pukul 10 pagi.
Good day > Selamat siang , digunakan kira-kira pukul 11 pagi hingga jam 1 siang atau selama tengah hari
Good afternoon > Selamat Sore , digunakan pukul 2 sore hingga 6 sore.
Good evening > Selamat malam , digunakan mulai jam 7 malam hingga pukul 11 malam.
When we leave, ketika kita berpisah:
See you > Sampai jumpa
See you again > Sampai jumpa lagi
See you tomorrow > Sampai jumpa besok
See you later > Sampai jumpa nanti
So long > Sampai jumpa
Good night > Sampai jumpa (Dimalam hari)
Asking for conditions in English (Menanyakan kabar)
Some expressions to ask for“apa kabar”:
How are you?
How are you doing?
How have you been?
How is it going?
How is life?
Some expressions to answer for “apa kabar”:
I am Fine!
I am very well, thank you.
I am good!
Feeling great!
Not bad
Not very well.
Introduction Practice
About Name, tentang nama:
What is your name?
What’s your name?
What’s your name, please?
How can I call you?
My name is Andi Saputra
You can call me Andi
Please call me Andi
Call me Andi
About Address, tentang alamat:
Where do you live?
Do you live around here?
Do you live in this town? and where?
I live in Pekanbaru
I live on Ketitiran Street
I live at 18 A, Ketitiran Street.
About Origin , tentang asal:
Where do you come from?
Where are you from?
Are you from here?
Where are you originally from?
Answer :
I am from Pekanbaru
I am originally from Pekanbaru
I was born here, so I am from this place
About Hobby , tentang hobby:
What’s your hobby?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
My hobby is traveling
My hobbies are traveling and swimming*
I love swimming
I enjoy dancing
I like traveling
*use “are hobbies” to express more than one hobby.
About Age , tentang usia
How old are you?
When were you born?
Where were you born?
I am 26 years old
I was born on December 16, 1994
I was born in Pekanbaru.
Please answer the questions below:
What is your name?
Where do you come from?
How old are you?
When were you born?
Where were you born?
What is your hobby?
What is your job?