Jika sewaktu-waktu kita punya masalah, lalu kita mungkin saja tidak tahu jalan keluarnya. Bagaimana penyelesaiannya? Apakah orang-orang terdekat kita punya saran atau masukan?

Barangkali kita perlu untuk meminta saran atau usulan dari orang-orang di sekitar kita. Begitu juga sebaliknya, orang-orang terdekat kita mungkin saja dengan senang hati mau memberikan kita saran atas masalah yang kita punya. Nah, didalam percakapan Bahasa Inggris ini dinamakan Asking and Giving Suggestion.

Ekspresi menanyakan dan memberi usulan akan diberikan disini. Hehe, jadi buat yang suka curhat sekarang bisa pakai ekspresi berikut ini!

Asking Suggestion:

  • Do you have any suggestion for me?
  • Any idea?
  • Will you give me some suggestions, please?
  • Shall I come back later
  • What do you think should I do?
  • What should I do?
  • If you were me, what would you do?
  • Can you give me any suggestion?
  • What do you suggest?
  • What is your advice?
  • Please tell me what to do?
  • Do you have any advice?
  • Do you have any suggestions?
  • What do you suggest?
  • What do you think I should do?
  • What would you recommend?


Giving suggestion

  • You’d better
  • You could..
  • You might..
  • I suggest that you
  • I recommend that you
  • You really should
  • I strongly advise you to
  • I think you should…
  • I suggest that…
  • If I were you, I would…
  • why don’t you
  • I recommend you to
  • You should
  • How about
  • Why don’t you…?
  • I would like to suggest you to
    try to
  • It would be better if you
  • Accepting Suggestion
  • That’s a good/nice/wonderful idea
  • Yeah, sure
  • Thankyou. I’ll try that
  • I think you’re right


Accepting Suggestion

  • Thank you for your suggestion
  • I will do that
  • Okay, I’ll try it
  • It sounds good
  • What a good idea!


Rejecting suggestion

  • I am not sure about that
  • I don’t think so
  • Thanks, but that won’t help ..
  • I don’t want to do that because
  • That’s a good idea, but…


Example of the Dialogue

Jane : Hi Kate! You look worried. What’s the matter?

Kate : Yes. I have a problem.

Jane : What happened? Is it about the exam for tomorrow?

Kate : Yeah, you know it. Tomorrow I will have Chemistry test. I don’t like that subject. I

Jane : So? What’s the problem?

Kate : I think I cannot do that examination.

Jane : you can do it. I am sure.

Kate : I am not sure. What do you think I should do?

Jane : I think you should study hard before the exam. I suggest you to do some exercises about chemistry and also read all the materials from the teacher.

Kate : Thank you for your suggestion. I will try it.

Jane : Yes, of course. You can do it!



Text untuk soal No 8-10

Jiso : Rose, why do you look so sad?

Rose : I got a bad score on my English test. What should I do Lina?

Jiso : you should study hard again about it.

Rose : I am not sure about that. when I study English alone, I will feel bored.

Jiso : Hm., okay. Why don’t you take an English course?

Rose : it sounds good. Do you have any suggestion for me about the English course?

Jiso : I recommend you to take an English course at Homie English. That is the best English course in our town.

Rose : okay, thank you. I will try it to register there.

Jiso : your welcome


#1. Anna looks very tired. What is your suggestion for her?

#2. Vano is working on his homework, but he finds some difficulties questions. What will you suggest him?

#3. Jane and Kate are on a trip to a beach in Padang. However, none of them know about the route to the beach. What will be your suggestion for them?

#4. Your neighbour is noisy. You should..

#5. Jennie : I have a toothache. What should I do? Lisa : You should…

#6. Thomas failed again in the test. He …. Harder.

#7. Eva : I am not good at English. Reza : …….

#8. What dose Rose thank Jiso for?

#9. According to the conversation, which expression shows giving suggestion?

#10. According to the conversation, which expression rejecting suggestion?



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