Expression Certainty and Uncertainty
Hi homies! Kalian pernah ga sih merasa yakin atau tidak yakin akan sesuatu? Ketika kita tidak yakin akan sesuatu tentunya kita akan mempertanyakan hal tersebut untuk meyakinkan diri kita. Nah, sekarang kita akan membahas bagaimana cara mengungkapkan keyakinan kita akan sesuatu (expression of certainty) dan mengungkapkan ketidak yakinan kita terhadap sesuatu (expression of uncertainty) di dalam bahasa inggris. Yuk sama-sama kita simak!
- Asking for certainty
Beberapa ungkapan yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menanyakan kepastian tentang sesuatu adalah:
- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about it?
- Are you certain about it?
- Do you think so?
- Do you think it is true?
- How sure are you?
- Are you absolutely certain?
- Are you positive about…
- Is that definite?
- Do you think it’s true?
- You couldn’t have been mistaken, could you?
- Do you think it’s a good idea?
- Expression of certainty
Beberapa ungkapan yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menyatakan kepastian tentang sesuatu adalah:
- Of course.
- I’m positive.
- I’m convinced …
- Yes, I am certain.
- I’m sure about it.
- I am pretty certain ….
- I’m absolutely sure.
- I’m absolutely certain.
- I’m absolutely positive.
- I’m absolutely sure about the news.
- I’m a hundred percent sure.
- I have no doubt about it.
- I don’t think there can be any doubt about ….
- I’m quite sure about it.
- I’m absolutely certain that …
- Expression of Uncertainty
Beberapa ungkapan yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menyatakan ketidak kepastian tentang sesuatu adalah:
- I’m not sure about it.
- I doubt it.
- I don’t think so.
- I don’t believe that.
- I’m not really sure about …
- I don’t know for sure that…
- I’m not completely sure that …
- I’m not wholly sure that …
- I don’t know yet.
- Not as far as I know.
- I have my own doubts.
- There’s some doubt in my mind that …
- I’m not a hundred percent sure.
Example expression of certainty and uncertainty in dialogue:
Fio: I think I won’t apply for the job this year.
Armi: Do you think it’s a good idea?
Fio: I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but I want to take a rest after long study.
Armi: Do you think your parents will agree with you?
Fio: Yes, I have no doubt about it. They always support my decision.
#1. Ryan : can you call Nika for me? She doesn’t pick up my phone. Fika : … she will pick up my phone though. Ryan : Why? I think she is your best friend. Fika : Yes, we are. But we had an argument two days ago and we haven’t talked to each other after that.
#2. Indah : Hi lee! Have you heard that Ms. Ani is going to retire this year? Lee : Really? Are you sure? Indah : (1)…. . I heard it when she was talking to Mr. Ahmad yesterday. Lee : It’s sad, I like her teaching method. Do you know who will replace her? Indah : (2)… ., but I believe we will know soon.
#3. Indah : Hi lee! Have you heard that Ms. Ani is going to retire this year? Lee : Really? Are you sure? Indah : (1)…. . I heard it when she was talking to Mr. Ahmad yesterday. Lee : It’s sad, I like her teaching method. Do you know who will replace her? Indah : (2)… ., but I believe we will know soon.
Expression Certainty and Uncertainty (43 downloads)
Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty, Seperti Ya Apa Bentuk dan Contohnya?